There are quite a number of provinces in Canada, these provinces exercise constitutional and statutory power and authority in their own right. Each province has its exclusive and inviting features that attracts tourists and visitors frequently. Some people are so overwhelmed with travelling, it affects their mental health and anxiety.

There are also organizations and institutions within each province that can help plan a successful trip and vacation. Each consists of many outdoor adventure platforms which includes: fishing, camping, lakes, mountains and other natural wonders, but they all have a unique feature particular to them.

Canada has a lot of provinces which includes Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec etc. For instance, British Columbia is the country’s most western province and characterized with some of the most moderate temperatures in the world.

A very prominent city in British Columbia is Vancouver which is a multicultural and multi ethnic city consisting of diverse people and traditions. The external areas of British Columbia are well known for remote and beautiful islands.

We have Alberta province which is famous for its ski and hiking activities. It is also a major supplier of crude-oil to Canada’s industry. Prominent cities in Alberta are Banff and Jasper, and they are home to two of the most beautiful national parks in North America.

Also, there is the Saskatchewan province whose major industry is agriculture, but also engage in mining, oil production etc. Saskatchewan is best known for fishing, hunting and other outdoor related activities. It is recognized as one of the most beautiful provinces in Canada.

We have Manitoba province which is the most eastern province; home to aboriginal and native people over a large number of years and they continue to instill great cultural effect on the province. Manitoba is prominent for being the polar bear capital of the world.

Ontario province which is Canada’s most populous province, is well known for its beautiful forests, lakes, reserves, parks and their wine region. It is home to the Federal Capital Territory of Ottawa.

Also, Quebec province which is the second most populous province in Canada, is known for its large French speaking residents and heritage. It has the largest land size.

New Brunswick province which is one of Canada’s maritime provinces has major cities such as Fredericton and Moncton. We have Nova Scotia province which is known for its Celtic culture and also possess sea foods like lobsters and crabs.

Prince Edward Island which is the smallest province in Canada, is best known for the delicious mussels and sea creatures found in surrounding seas and lakes.

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